Language learning can be fun and exciting! It opens up doors to entire countries and cultures, and new experiences. There’s so much joy and excitement when you begin learning a new language but then, you reach a plateau. You’re no longer a beginner, but you’re not quite perfect yet. In fact, I am not sure if there is ever a time where we feel perfect in our target language. However, what I am sure of is at some point you will likely lose confidence along your language learning journey.
At the best of times, I am aware of my imperfections and what I need to work on. At the worst of times, I feel like a failure. I wonder, will I ever truly master this language? Deep down, I know that in the past five years I have made strong, noticeable advances in my Korean. At the same time, a negative, and self-sabotaging inner dialog is brewing in my mind. I want to say “I suck” , “I am nowhere near where I want to be in this language”, “Why don’t I just give up?”