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Why We Lose Confidence in Language Learning

Language learning can be fun and exciting! It opens up doors to entire countries and cultures, and new experiences. There’s so much joy and excitement when you begin learning a new language but then, you reach a plateau. You’re no longer a beginner, but you’re not quite perfect yet. In fact, I am not sure if there is ever a time where we feel perfect in our target language. However, what I am sure of is at some point you will likely lose confidence along your language learning journey.

At the best of times, I am aware of my imperfections and what I need to work on. At the worst of times, I feel like a failure. I wonder, will I ever truly master this language?   Deep down, I know that in the past five years I have made strong, noticeable advances in my Korean. At the same time, a negative, and self-sabotaging inner dialog is brewing in my mind. I want to say “I suck” , “I am nowhere near where I want to be in this language”, “Why don’t I just give up?”

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Should You Learn Multiple Languages at a Time?

I assume since you’re here – that you are probably interested in learning at least two foreign languages. Whether you have already begun, or you’re considering trying it – you are probably wondering if it is wise to even entertain this barbaric idea. Two languages at once?

Is it actually that crazy of an idea? There are children who grow up bilingual or trilingual and folks who can speak five languages! Well you might argue children learn languages better than adults – an entirely different debate which I am sure I will post about soon – but think about it, what do children do differently?

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7 Tips to Begin Learning a Language

Have you always wanted to learn another language? Are you trying to learn one now but find yourself struggling? Or perhaps you have been studying for awhile and just want to make the process go by faster. Whatever your reason for learning a language – there is one common thought that almost everyone has at some point in their language studying experience – How can I learn a language quickly?

Well unfortunately there is no magic trick to learning a language overnight, but I have found that many people get stuck learning a language because they fail to see the dynamic qualities that make language learning so unique. Studying a language isn’t like studying any other subject, attending a class or picking up a book and self studying on its own isn’t going to lead to a whole lot of progress.

Why is that?

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